For outdoor activities such as hiking and flying disc sports, a sun protective shirt needs to provide high levels of sun protection, while also being lightweight, quick-drying and stretchy. To meet these requirements, Beneunder's sun protective clothing uses 0.06 mm ultra-light cicada wing yarn as the core material. This sun protective clothing series also features quick-drying, stretch and cooling functions to provide a more comfortable wearing experience in outdoor environments.
Yunzi Cooling Sun Protection Jacket Hightlights:
- Wet-resistant sun protection, using a combination of curved yarns and dense weave technology to effectively block light and provide consistent sun protection even when wet.
- Stretchable sun protection, using a double-layered coil to effectively cover gaps created by stretching, providing consistent sun protection even during strenuous activity.
- UPF50 , UV protection ≥99%.
- Ultra-light, sporty, short-sleeved shirt.